Correct accounting provides a secure basis for decisions

Ensure your company's financial security through our digital accounting services - customized to your specific company. With close cooperation, we can provide guidance in your hectic everyday life.

With Grant Thornton as a partner, you can choose whether you want to outsource all or parts of your financial management, either continuously or perhaps only during high season. 

Something that our customers appreciate and benefit highly from is our digital approach to accounting, which is both environmentally friendly and efficient. It also means that you can access your accounting at any time, wherever you are, via a computer, tablet or phone.

If you have your own accounting systems, we'll connect them with ours to work in real time and remove duplication of work. Since we work in the same system, we can also be a backup when your company's employees go on holiday or become ill.

Flexible and safe

Your accounting team with us is focused on understanding your business and the industry in which your company operates. We tailor a solution based on your specific needs. You'll get in touch with your team via email, phone, personal meetings or via our client portal Flow. Contact our experts for an initial discussion on how we can help your company grow.

Man using Grant Thornton Flow on his computer

Grant Thornton Flow

With Flow, you get a fully-fledged digital work and collaboration space for a smarter and easier business life. We offer tools, services and advisory content. Everything gathered in one place through a secure login with BankID.

Discover Grant Thornton Flow


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Box 7623
103 94 Stockholm