We contribute with more structure and order in your company through efficient processes, financial management, auditing and specialist advice. In this way,...
Minimize risks, feel confident in your business decisions and focus on your core business. Our auditors have in-depth knowledge of market changes, current...
Integrity. Quality. Security. These three words form the core of how we work. We take the time to understand what is important for your particular business. We...
You company is in safe hands with us as an advisor. We offer comprehensive advice together with specialists from all different services. If needed, we can also...
Our consultants make sure that you as an owner get relevant information in order to develop your company. We also provide taylor-made and relevant reports from...
Industry expertise is something that our customers both demand and value highly. Grant Thornton brings together experts and specialists from all business areas...
Tech companies are digital from day one. Therefore, our complete solution for financial management, Grant Thornton Flow, is completely digital and you can...
We know the private healthcare industry! Since 2010, we have produced an annual study of the private care and nursing market in Sweden from a financial...
The industry group for no for profit organizations and foundations has gathered expertise from several different service areas for specifically tailored advice...
Taking the step from an owner-managed company to a Private Equity-owned company can be a big change. We support you in the entire transformation process. When...
Transparency is increasing and regulatory requirements are becoming more complex for companies within the financial sector. Dealing with these changes is an...
Special regulations, changing conditions and the increasing global demands in terms of sustainability affect the transport industry. To keep companies up to...
Grant Thornton's real estate industry group is a team of industry specialists with extensive experience in consulting, tax, accounting, and auditing. We...