We support companies with everything from financial services to strategic consulting, and business development to create sustainable growth. Regardless of whether it is an audit, salary services, VAT accounting or acquisitions - we help companies and entrepreneurs to develop their businesses.

For more than 70 years, Grant Thornton has been developing the business sector together with Sweden's entrepreneurs.

Our focus is entrepreneurial companies where we, through sustainable insights, help you as an owner, board, or management to develop your company. With our advice, we want to contribute to long-term and sustainable business from an environmental, social, and economic perspective.

Local accounting and presence within a global network

We are located from Malmö in south to Kiruna in the north of Sweden, we also have a digital client portal, Flow, for smooth and secure collaboration. As a member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd, one of the world's leading organizations of independently owned and managed auditing and consulting companies, our local proximity can be expanded in the global network if needed. Grant Thornton can provide you and your business with expertise regardless of your geographic market. With more than 73 000 employees in approx 150 member companies worldwide, we focus on making a difference for customers, colleagues and in the communities in which we operate.

We support your company with auditing, advisory and accounting

Do you need help preparing a sustainability report, are you facing an IPO or are you getting ready for an international acquisition? We have broad experience and unique industry expertise that supports you with everything from everyday services to strategic consulting, and business development to create growth.

Annual Report

Do you want to deep dive into our organisation and get to know us even more?

Annual Report (2023/2024 SE) [ 5660 kb ]

Annual Report (2023/2024 EN) [ 39877 kb ]